Stormwater Quality Management

Urban runoff from stormwater is a major source of surface water pollution. This includes stormwater that flows from industrial properties, construction sites, and streets into storm drains that discharge into nearby surface water bodies. Northgate’s certified stormwater management staff can expertly mitigate the negative effects of urban runoff, working seamlessly with municipalities and private sector clients. 

Our Stormwater Quality Management services often include:

  • Project-specific permitting, rain event action plans (REAPs), stormwater management plans (SWMPs), and stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPPs)
  • Notices of Intent (NOIs), Risk Level Determinations, and Notices of Termination (NOTs)
  • Construction Site Monitoring Programs (CSMPs) and Site Monitoring Plans for storm water or TMDL monitoring
  • Electronic filing via the Storm Water Multiple Application and Report Tracking System (SMARTS)
  • Construction, post-construction, and Low Impact Development (LID) BMPs
  • MS4 program development and compliance
  • Industrial NPDES permitting and compliance
  • Erosion and sediment control
  • Hydrologic, hydraulic, and water quality modeling
  • Stream stabilization and restoration
  • Axel Rieke

    Axel Rieke, PE, LEED AP BD+C, QSD/P

    Principal Civil Engineer

    Contact Axel today to learn more about Stormwater Quality Management.


How Can We Help?

Feel free to reach out! We are passionate about our work and pride ourselves on a communication-based approach to delivering solutions. We always look forward to hearing from potential new clients, teaming partners, and staff talent.