Wetlands, Coastal Resiliency, and Nature-Based Adaptation Legal Support

Northgate’s wetlands expertise includes assessment, restoration, permitting, policy, watershed hydrology, coastal engineering, design, construction, monitoring, dredged material reuse, and related water quality. Our team specializes in complex, multi-stakeholder disputes that include tidal and non-tidal wetlands, shoreline protection, and sea level rise resiliency, ranging from the site scale to large regional efforts. We have developed expert opinions regarding stormwater source impacts, forensic analysis, sediment reuse, fisheries and aquatic ecology, ecological risk, tide line determinations, natural resource damage, and seal level rise. Our wetlands scientists and economic analysts have been instrumental in developing legally defensible work products for settlements and court trials.

  • Jane “Deni” Chambers, PG, CHg

    CEO/Founder, Principal

    Contact Deni today to learn more about Wetlands, Coastal Resiliency, and Nature-Based Adaptation.



How Can We Help?

Feel free to reach out! We are passionate about our work and pride ourselves on a communication-based approach to delivering solutions. We always look forward to hearing from potential new clients, teaming partners, and staff talent.