Yosemite Slough Wetland Restoration
Northgate collaborated with the restoration design team, the California State Parks Foundation, the California State Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), and the restoration contractor in all project phases. We provided environmental expertise from the conceptual and funding stages through to planning and management.
Our initial site investigation and feasibility assessment guided the team in selecting alternatives. The team used subsequent site characterization results in the project design. We actively participated in the design planning process, reviewing and assisting in preparing 30%, 50%, and 90% draft plans, resulting in 100% complete plans and specifications for construction. We strategically prepared and submitted permit plans and applications to regulatory agencies as new project information became available.
Facing contamination up to 20 feet deep, our team developed a cost-effective strategy to restore tidal action and mitigate risks to human health and the environment. We selectively excavated high-risk areas and capped lower-risk areas using onsite recycled soil that met RWQCB-approved action goals. The design mitigates both short- and long-term risks from contaminants, minimizes erosion, air quality impacts, and waste generation, and achieves cost savings essential for project completion.