Ardenwood Creek Restoration and Flood Control
In coordination with NewFields River Basin Services, LLC and the Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Northgate performed technical studies in support of the flood control and creek restoration project. Studies included a hazardous materials investigation, a geotechnical study, a groundwater assessment, a bank stabilization evaluation, and a groundwater flow study. The purpose of the project was to increase flood capacity, reduce nuisance vegetation, improve bank stability through bioengineering, and restore the riparian and marsh habitat. Northgate’s studies were integrated by the Design Team to into the project alternatives development component. Northgate developed recommendations for stabilization techniques included corrective grading (reshaping the banks and slopes to establish beneficial water flow patterns), planting with desirable riparian vegetation, and installing natural materials such as logs, live willow brush mattresses, boulder toes or coir fabric lifts. From the approved development component, Northgate produced the design plans and specifications for the final design for all project elements in AutoCAD Civil 3D.